Dental Anatomy & Disease in Rabbits & Rodents

Little Critters Veterinary Hospital

1525 N Gilbert Road Suite #C-101
Gilbert, AZ 85234


Dental Anatomy - Rabbit and Rodent

Rabbit & Rodent Dental Anatomy


Have 28 teeth 

Dental formula: 2 (I 2/1, C 0/0/, P 3/2, M 3/3)

diphyodont = have deciduous teeth - lost in uterus or just after birth
duplicidentata = Peg teeth: 2nd maxillary incisors, just behind the upper primary incisors 
All teeth grow all life = open roots
Incisors = lateral slicing action
Incisor Growth 2mm/wk / 2.4mm/wk


Have 20 teeth
Dental formula: 2 (1/1, C 0/0, P 1/1, M 3/3)
Open Roots:  All teeth grow all life
Cheek teeth: occlusal plane ~30 degrees
Monophyodont: no deciduous (baby) teeth
Simplicidentata: no peg teeth 
Incisors: prehending food and gnawing action

Guinea Pigs

Have 20 teeth 
Dental formula: 2 ( I 1/1, C 0/0, 1/1, M 3/3)
Yellow incisors/enamel
monophyodont: no deciduous (baby) teeth
Simplicidentata: no peg teeth 
Adapted to eating coarse grasses


Have 16 teeth
Dental Formula: 2 (I 1/1, C 0/0, P 0/0, M 3/3)
Only Incisors grow all life
Yellow enamel - is normal 
monophyodont & simplicidentata