Ferret Veterinary Care Gilbert AZ
Ferrets are very popular across the country and can make excellent pets. They are curious, active, playful and entertaining to observe. They can easily be taught to use a litter box and walk on a harness. They don’t require enormous space if allowed to walk and play daily. And the grooming requirements are minimal with only a soft brushing and occasional bathing needed.
But in spite of their many attributes, it has taken us some time to start our ferret page. Why? Primarily because ferrets seem to have more health problems then all our other pet species combined. Okay, this may be over stating the facts, but if you are planning on adding a ferret to your family it is important to understand that the pet ferret will in all likelihood require veterinary care not just for preventative medicine, but to treat some of the many problems they are predisposed to.
Throughout Dr. Patt’s life she has had many rescue ferrets and has thoroughly enjoyed her time with them. She does not wish to discourage anyone from owning ferrets but hopes that future pet owners go into ferret ownership with some knowledge on ferret diseases and husbandry. Another important consideration to ferret ownership is that some states restrict or even prohibit ferret ownership – notably California. Please check your state laws prior to adopting a ferret.
Ferrets are considered domestic animals that are thought to descend from the European polecat and are related to weasels, skunks and otters
LIFESPAN: 6+ years
Ferrets are typically sold to the pet trade already neutered and descented.
Males have a penis at the mid-abdominal area.
Ferrets should be caged when not directly supervised. Ferrets love to explore and will ingest items that can become stuck in their intestines and require surgical removal. The cage should be large enough for the ferret to freely move around, should contain a hammock bed and a litter pan. Most frequently a metal mesh cage is used.
Ferrets less then 1 year old:
Should receive 3 vaccines 2-3 weeks apart for distemper and 1 rabies vaccine at 3 months of age. Than a yearly booster should be given for distemper, every 3 years for rabies.
Ferrets greater then 1 year old:
Should receive 2 distemper boosters 3 weeks apart and then yearly distemper, with the rabies vaccine only every 3 years.
Allergic Reactions:
Ferrets have a higher then average incidence of severe allergic reactions to vaccines. We therefore, will only give one vaccine at a time and request that the owner wait 15 minutes prior to departing the hospital and a technician will assess the pet prior to departure.
A commercial diet labeled for ferrets should be fed. Cat food is often not high enough in protein and dog food is deficient in the amino acid taurine which can lead to heart disease.
Fresh/clean water should be available at all times.
If on a good ferret diet, supplementation is not necessary.
Ferrets have many medical concerns and it is therefore important to establish a good relationship with your veterinarian. Some of the more common problems are: adrenal gland disease, foreign body ingestion, pancreatic tumors, dental disease, GI disease, Cardiac disease, and viruses. Ferrets can get canine distemper from dogs and can get and give the flu to us.
American Ferret Association: http://www.ferret.org/
Ferret Owners Manual Online: http://www.thechipster.com/fert-man.html
Provided by: 1525 N. Gilbert Rd, Ste. C-101 Gilbert, AZ 85234 (480) 696-7744